Vel ritfær maður, hann binLaden

BinLaden, leiðtogi Al-Qa'ida samtakanna alræmdu var drepinn fyrir ári. Þeir tóku á honum hús, nokkrir kunnáttumenn bandaríska hersins í drápum og skutu hann og nokkra aðra um leið og þeir hirtu skjöl og gagnlega hluti af heimili mannsins.

Nú hafa hefur eitthvað af þessum skjölum verið sett á netið og meira að segja í enskri þýðingu. Þá kemur í ljós að þessi harðsvíraði skipuleggjandi drápa er ágætlega ritfæri, trúaður með afbrigðum, en ritar miklar langlokur. Í einu bréfi binLadens til einhvers félaga hans segir í upphafi: 

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Praise God, He who promised and fulfilled, promised and forgave, and peace and prayer be upon the gentleman of the honorable, his perfect honored family and companions...... 

Honorable brother/ Azmarai, may God preserve you Peace, mercy of God and His blessing be upon you. I hope that you and those with you are in the best of condition. And may God gather us on what is pleasing and satisfying to Him ,from glory of the world and winning of the hereafter... Furthermore, these are some thoughts that I am adding to the letter which I previously had sent to you, last 12 of Dhul Al-Hijja (TN: No year given, most recent would be 19 November 2010):

Concerning our friend’s letter (NFI) addressed to you; here is what I think. It is that those brothers might have sent the letter out of fear, too concerned about inflating the size and the growth of Al-Qa'ida, with God’s blessing and strength ...

 Og svo lýkur binLaden bréfi sínu á sama guðsóttalega háttinn og hann byrjaði það á:

Anyway honorable sir, the intention is that it is predictable, with God’s permission and blessing, achieving victory is near, and it follows the overflow of individuals, groups and their haste to pledge the allegiance. Therefore, starting from now please think about controlling the matter with a system that deals with people, each according to his religion, piety and contribution. And, governing the people with Shari'ah, which brings those who are moral and righteous closer to each other. Those who have groups established, nations, and whom victory descends upon, they fend off people of ambition and prejudice. God help us for all the best.

A final personal request, which is, I am asking you to pray for me, and my family for health in my religion, the world, and good offspring.

In conclusion, I am asking God to assume you in His care, preserve you, us, and all Muslims from all harm...

And I entrust you in God, Whose deposits do not go to waste.

Please destroy the letter after reading it, and may God reward you with the best.


Your beloved brother 

Þetta er hreinlega eins og að lesa bréf eftir vestræna klerka frá 18. öld sem vart mega halda vatni yfir trú sinni og ótta.

Grínlaust, þetta er vel orðað bréf og mættu margir taka þennan mann sér til fyrirmyndar, að vísu aðeins að þessu leyti. 

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